Yesterday in Primary, Ethan and Camryn had a really nice sharing time activity. They wrote a poem to there parents using the letters in their name. I thought that I would share them with you.
Here is Ethan's:
I am thankful that you
Each love me.
I am thankful that you
Take me to church.
I am thankful that you
Have me as a son.
I am thankful that you
Always love me.
I am thankful that you
Never forget about me.
Here is Camryn's:
I am thankful that you
Care for me.
I am thankful that you
Always help me do things.
I am thankful that you
Make me happy.
I am thankful that you
Remember to tell me that you love me.
I am thankful that you
You say prayers with me.
I am thankful that you
Notice that "I Love You".
I have to say that we have really great leaders and teachers in our primary. Thanks Mary for a great activity.