Give me a pat! PLEASE! I'm begging you! Give me a pat!

Kyle thank you for paying attention to me! I'm glowing with happiness!

He likes me! He really likes me!
My husband has a new best friend and we are not quite sure what has brought on this new found admiration that Max the cat is feeling for Kyle. Usually Max stays completely away from Kyle because he has come to the understanding (not in a mean way - more of a shoo get away from me way) that Kyle does not really like cats. They are to be put up with because I happen to like them. Kyle would much prefer a dog. Anyway, back to Max and his sudden interest in Kyle. The last couple of weeks Max has been making his move on Kyle - rubbing up against him and looking for the occasional rub on the head. Rolling from side to side trying to entice Kyle to pet him. We have even taken to reminding Kyle that Max is looking for some attention, and to please give him a pat or two. Every once in awhile Max will be so bold as to jump into Kyle's lap without an invitation. What is odd though is that Max is not seeking attention from anyone else in the family, unless it is his dinner time or you happen to a have kitty treat. (Kyle would never give Max a kitty treat - too smelly.)
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