This weekend was the East Billings Stake father and son camp out. They went camping at a place west of Billings. It was about 3 hours from Colstrip. Kyle and Ethan headed out for the camp-out after school got out friday afternoon.

Hanging around the campsite with the other campers

Saturday morning they went on a five mile hike.
The man in the picture was the guide.
This was their one and only rest they took while hiking.

Mountains in the background.

The hike concluded when they reached the waterfall.
It IS beautiful!
Now this is what real camping is like, don't you think.
crystal clear mountain waters, crisp cool mountain air. wild life every where if you see them. did they teach about camping with bears? I learned when we went up there. I also decided I would prefer a camper. :)
dana & Loren
I cant believe Melena is going to high school. You are right, it seemed like yesterday when she was Camryn's age!!!
Hey Kyle and Ethan, that sounds like a great camping trip. I liked the mountains and the waterfall. I would love to ride Logan up there.
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