Yesterday Kyle had an appointment with the eye doctor in Forsyth. The kids were out of school so we all decided to go to Forsyth with him. As an added bonus there was a Dairy Queen in town and my kids love blizzards. Who doesn't - right? I am constantly amazed that whenever we have to go somewhere it is always so far away and there is nothing in between the towns except for rolling hills (mountains, if you are from Florida) and herds of cows with lots of baby cows. Or as Camryn calls them pequeña vaca or bebé vaca which means small cow or baby cow. She is still keeping up her spanish.
We arrived in Forsyth after about a 45 minute drive through really pretty country side. Dropped Kyle off at the doctor and headed over to Dairy Queen - mission accomplished everyone is happy for another day. While in town we saw a large white "F" on the side of the mountain. Ethan asked what does the "F" stand for and Camryn piped up "Florida" It was really funny. We explained to her that is stood for Forsyth. In her mind an "F" could only mean Florida.
Grayson walks
15 years ago
so cute!sc
Sounds like you are having fun exploring. I really like your new blog set up. I can tell you have been keeping busy with it.
Hey how do you get rid of your playlist? It's blocking the posts and I'm not able to read them.
It worked!! I can read your blog now... awesome. Welcome to our world in ohio. Everything is forever away. At least you have hills(as we utah people would call them!) to look at will you journey those long, dull, but worth while trips.
Hey I can't see those pictures of you guys on the rocks very well. can you email them to me so I can see them better.
Great job on pictures for Melena!
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