Today we are going to Billings for Stake Conference. We left around noon so that we could get a little shopping in. We needed more paint to finish up the basement. The adult session is tonight at 7pm like every other stake conference except with us we live too far away to return home tonight and then get up in the morning to drive back to go to the regular session. So we are getting a hotel and spending the night. Apparently that is what everyone else does. We are kind of nervous though because we have to leave the children at the hotel while we attend the evening meeting. Again that is what everyone does. I know it sounds funny to say - It's what everyone does - but after much consideration we did what everyone does. We found a hotel close to the chapel so that we wouldn't feel too concerned about leaving Melena in charge. We left strict instructions not to leave the room under any circumstance. (In an emergency they could call us and we were just minutes away.) Thankfully my children are very good at obeying and everything turned out well with regards to the hotel stay. We had actually thought about not attending because of the distance and the hotel situation but then we found out that Elder Dallin H. Oaks was going to be speaking and we knew we could not miss that opportunity to see and hear an apostle speak.
It was well worth the trip. We heard several very good speakers. With very important messages. Elder Oaks' speaking companion was Elder Dale G. Renlund of the Seventy. I can't even begin to explain how spiritually fulfilling the meeting was. A few things that I learned.
1. Stand for what you believe in - it won't always be easy. No sacrifice is to great if it gives us an opportunity to show the Lord where we stand.
2. There is a God in Heaven - He knows us - He cares about us - He sent his son to us.
3. Be of good cheer. This attitude will pull us through whatever comes our way. The future is as bright as our faith.
4. When things get in our way and stop us from doing the things that we need to do. We should be like Nehemiah of the Old Testament and remember "I am doing a great work and cannot come down."
5. When we touch the temple the temple touches us.
And speaking of moaners and groaners - Some members are called to offend and they really magnify their calling. (This is a calling that I have decided that I never want to get.) I can't wait until tomorrow morning for the next session of conference.
Grayson walks
15 years ago
Our stake conference is in a couple of weeks. I told Loren it might be his opportunity to get out of speaking. that is the weekend that Toni is due. That will make about four weeks in a row of speaking assignments for him. Our conference will be televised this time. We will have normal adult session and then sunday everyone will go to their meeting house and watch it on tv.
Your conferences will make good memories for the kids. Glad it was such a good conference. We haven't had Elder Oaks come our way.
That sounds wonderful! Fun too.
Can you move back to Florida now?
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