We have been in Montana for almost 2 weeks. We are moved into our home and have finally got Internet service. We are kind of remote so we had to find an Internet provider that serviced our area. Then it took them awhile to get out here and set us up and then it took 2 days to complete the job.
We are living in the upstairs of our house while we wait for the workmen to get the basement completed. We thought that they would be done before the kids and I arrived but that was wishful thinking. It is very messy and disorganized and we have dust everywhere and we can't put very many things away because we can't use the basement yet. Melena and Camryn are sharing a room now (the guest room) and Ethan (lucky boy) has a room (my craft area) to himself. Hopefully they will be finished soon.
Everybody is set up in school. Ethan and Camryn go to Pine Butte Elementary. It is close to where we live. They could walk to school but the weather has been kind of bad lately. They really like there teachers and have made lots of new friends. Camryn already has a marriage proposal from a little boy at church but she is not interested. Melena goes to Frank Brattin Middle School and is back in Band and Spanish class. I drive her to school in the morning and she rides the bus home.
There are three schools in town, the elementary, the middle school, and the high school. The kids from all three schools ride the bus together and all three schools start and end at the same time. Wednesday when Melena got on her bus to come home she over heard two elementary school kids talking.
Kid #1 " Look its the new girl. I thinks she's Ethan cousin"
Kid#2 "No, I think its his sister"
Kid #1 turned to Melena and said "Are you Ethan's sister?"
She answered "Yes."
Apparently there is no way to be anonymous in a small town. Everybody knows who you are before you have any idea who they are.
Grayson walks
15 years ago
I'm glad you guys are now online. Sounds like the adjustment is going well. Of course the boy wants to marry Camryn, she's a model and boys love models.
I am glad you are online too. I keep looking around for Melena at YW. We miss her!
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