Sunday, April 12, 2009

What's for Dinner

We got home from church today and found that we had had a visitor - eggs seemed to be hidden all around the house. Camryn had a field day finding eggs with Ethan's help. Melena followed them around taking pictures.

Camryn on the hunt collecting armfuls of eggs.

I think the Easter bunny left us a two year supply.

We had a really nice dinner planned for after church today to celebrate Easter. We had gone shopping yesterday to get everything we needed to make our traditional Easter meal - Ham, a potato casserole, deviled eggs, ect. As we started getting ready to make the potato casserole we realized that we had forgotten a key ingredient - sour cream. In another world - in another place we might have been tempted to break the sabbath and make a quick run to the grocery store but not here. Everything (meaning the grocery store) was closed and we didn't have to face that temptation. We laughed off our mistake and decided to have Easter dinner tomorrow night when we could get all the ingredients we needed. Instead Melena made egg salad sandwiches out of our deviled eggs and we remembered why we celebrate Easter.



Sounds like a good day was had by all. Happy Easter.

Dana Anderson

Looks like it was a fun easter hunt. I didn't put out to many this year. I was too tired from making dresses all day the friday and saturday night before.

Laurence and Sidney

Hey there, That's why you have neighbors.... you just call us to see if we have any sour cream!!